2022 Stakeholder Workshop in Bern

Interactive workshop to discuss decarbonisation policies with key stakeholders

Date and time
Wed, June 1, 2022
9:30 AM – 13:00 PM CET

Kreuz Bern Modern City Hotel
Zeughausgasse 41, 3011 Bern, Switzerland


Fastest route from Bahnhof Bern railway station to Kreuz Bern Modern City Hotel on foot:

A policy inventory of existing and planned energy and climate policies of selected European countries, including Switzerland has been constructed and is available here. A handful set of important policies and innovative instruments for reaching the Net-Zero 2050 target has been derived from the inventory. The POLIZERO team wanted to understand the relevance, importance, feasibility, and barriers in implementing this set of policies in Switzerland. Cooperation with stakeholders allowed prioritization of these policies along with the criteria mentioned above and in view of meeting the Swiss pledges under the Paris Agreement.

The focus of the stakeholder workshop was to discuss and prioritise the policies in order to co-create realistic policy packages for Switzerland towards net-zero CO2 emissions in 2050. The outcome of the workshop has been used in the long-term energy systems modelling framework of POLIZERO to come up with alternate policy pathways that are also robust and account for uncertainties related to Swiss and European policy, economic, technical and societal context.

The workshop included two rounds of discussion tables in smaller groups on relevant policies for Switzerland. In each round, four discussion tables ran in parallel, and each table discussed policies for one particular sector. The workshop was interactive and pursued an open dialogue between the POLIZERO team and the stakeholders.

Download the event agenda here.

Institutions that participated in the workshop
  • Swisscleantech
  • Cemsuisse - Associaton of the Swiss Cement Industry
  • Amt für Wasser und Energie (Kanton St.Gallen)
  • Interessengemeinschaft Energieintensive Branchen (IGEB)
  • Schweizerischer Bauernverband (SBV)
  • Schweizerische Energie-Stiftung (SES)
  • energie-cluster.ch
  • Verband der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie
  • Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung (ARE)
  • Bundesamt für Umwelt
  • Bundesamt für Energie
  • Verband Schweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen (VSE)
  • ProClim
  • Klimastreik
  • Swisspower AG
  • Verband freier Autohandel Schweiz (VFAS)
  • WWF Switzerland
  • Amt für Umwelt und Energie (Kanton Bern)
  • Bundesamt für Energie
  • Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund (SGB)
  • BKW
  • Prognos AG

Find out the key insights from the stakeholder interaction here.